Good morning, flaming Subaru

This morning when I woke up I walked outside to take my dog out. Still in a sleepy daze, it took me a minute to realize that there seemed to be a commotion in the parking lot of my condo complex. In the distance I look and see…wait…no…what?! Is that car on fire?!

I ran upstairs and got my friends who had stayed over the night before. I called the fire department to report it, and then we couldn’t do much but…watch. After awhile the flames had totally engolfed the gas tank area, and we all thought that the worst was going to happen (so I had my camera rolling). Just when the fire started getting out of control, the fire trucks showed up.

You might be disappointed that nothing colossal happens in this video, but you want weekly content on here??? Huh??? Sometimes you’re just going to get videos of flaming cars.

Taking off this afternoon to go down to Eagle Point with a crew of skiers to film in and out of bounds. Will be coming back with a mini-film about our adventures, triumphs, and mishaps. Stay tuned!